Tuesday, June 01, 2004

Good Bye Squirrel Bait

So my friend the round leather squirrel disc is no longer in the parking lot... He has been scooped up, levered off, or dragged away, by persons unknown. All that remains of him is a grease spot and the imprint of a little foot bone in a muddy spot.
My new object of fascination this morning... well, not so much fascination as disgust that you just can't turn away from... was two greasy old security guards on the sidewalk outside my building, ostensibly chatting with eachother, and looking all serious, but I ask you, is it really a coincidence that two skinny female university students with shirts not meeting their pants were out doing the gardening? I think most probably not. The girls knew what was going on and went about their business with scowls on their faces, the guards knew, and pretended indifference towards them, and I knew what was going on and scurried quickly in to the building to a) curb my urge to beat the men about the face and neck, b) avoid being included in their morning's leering entertainment, and c) vomit.

Couldn't we just castrate them after a certain age? When they're done being really useful and just start being gross and annoying? I suppose people will protest this and condemn me.... *sigh* such is life.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

comments? Wha? pretty sweet 'yo.

9:04 a.m.  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

what makes me happy is pretending that it's possible that amber is the person who may have removed the leather circle from your path ... city workers do that kinda shit right?

damn blog comments. i refuse to get a username. so there.


1:06 p.m.  

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