Tuesday, February 17, 2004

Finally over it...

I'm finally done the nightmare, feeling normal again... as such, I went on a bit of a shopping spree yesterday... 100 bucks later, 2 sweaters, 2 skirts, 1 shirt, and a pair of shoes.... not bad eh? Oh yes, that's 100 bucks CANADIAN. bwaha.
All my dad says is "One suitcase"

I.E. I'm only allowed to take one suitcase with me next year when we leave. How will I do it? I average a pair of shoes every month or so... enh, I'm up to the challenge.
Keep watching in August for cool and innovative suitcase-for-a-year packing tips!

oh, but you should really see the shoes... I've been drooling over them for months, and they were on sale! SOOO cute.
aaaaah, retail therapy, I love it.



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