Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Fugue State

Since last week, I've been feeling stressed out I guess, or at least really distracted. I can't seem to stop whacking myself into things. I get like this sometimes. I retreat into my own mental space and cease to register my physical one -- the one that needs to be paid attention to in order to avoid having bruises like this one:


See that yellow red and purple area on the bridge of my nose? Yeah, I did that on TM's desk yesterday while I was fiddling with the printer. Slammed my face right into it nose-first. That certainly snapped me out of it for a good three minutes. Gave me a killer headache too.
Usually when I get like this it's my extremities that get the worst of it. Don't get me wrong, I've got a bruise on each forearm and my shins are suffering too, but this time my FACE seems to be getting the worst of it. The nose incident was actually the second run in my head had with a desk -- the first being on Sunday when I smacked my forehead on my desk and my cheek on my chair SIMULTANEOUSLY while reaching for something under my desk. I sat there for a minute afterwards thinking "I can't BELIEVE I just did that." And then, "I'm SO GLAD no one saw that."
Luckily there were no witnesses to yesterday's extreme lameness, but now I'm sporting this awesome bruise. I thought about trying to work the "look I'm such a bad ass scrapper" angle, but mostly I just feel like "look I'm such a loser I keep running into things WITH MY FACE. Can I get that door for you? WITH MY FACE?"


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