Argh Argh Argh Stop Kissing That Girl
Yet again it is Tuesday and with Tuesday my list of pet peeves EXPLODES into something resembling a certain Milton poem we all know and hate.
Pet peeves of the day:
PDA's (public displays of affection) -- BECAUSE you don't have to be all up in my face about it. You are alone SO ALONE, bwahahahahahaaa. Plus do you ever notice that the people who do it the most are the ones who are the most unattractive, so it's like they're so happy they've found anything at all that they have to BROADCAST IT TO THE ENTIRE WORLD? Forgive me, it is Tuesday and I know not what I write.
Cell phones -- I have nearly been mown down THREE TIMES today by small women trying to motor to class and SMS at the same time. I would like to crush them and their cellphones under my size 10's. I'm bigger than you. So there.
Australian Men's hair -- I don't understand it - the combo faux-hawk/duck-tail with both extremities bleached blond in random patches. IT LOOKS HORRIBLE, and ruins any chance they ever had of attracting the least bit of attention from normal, sane, SIGHTED individuals, other than attention of the confused and repulsed variety.
Okay, I think that covers the big ones today, and at least gets them off my chest. I'm so hungry right now, and unwilling to pay exhorbitant cafeteria prices, and too stupid to get dressed faster and bring food with me (or make it the night before, as so helpfully suggested). I just want to unwind from the stupid Psych tutorial, unfortunately I have another lecture before I can get home, get food, and hit the gym to work out my angerrrrrr...
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