Saturday, April 02, 2005

Oh Brother, Where Art Thou?

So my bro's in Brisbane... by himself. And we haven't heard from him since Tuesday. So you know, if he'd been missing since just after he sent us the e-mail, we wouldn't notice until he fails to show up on Monday night. He could've been in trouble for a WEEK, and we wouldn't know. The moral of the story children? If you're travelling alone LET PEOPLE KNOW HOW YOU'RE DOING ONCE IN A WHILE SO THEY CAN SLEEP AT NIGHT MOTHER F***ER!
I swear, the rest of the cousins on both sides of my family seem to be completely sane, posessed of common sense (well... some anyway), and generally stable individuals. I myself am a pretty rational human being 28 days out of the month... but it all just seemed to skip the little brother. I SWEAR I never dropped him on his head. And although I may have forced him into a dress once or twice during his childhood, I'm certain there was no lasting psychological damage. So what gives? When do boys get over that "I'm invincible" teenage stupidity stage (it certainly seems MUCH later than girls)? Is he going to have to almost die to snap out of it? Because I don't think I could deal with him almost dying.
Joshua Michael Durnin Hoy, if you're reading this, call your mother. Please. She's starting to look murderous everytime the phone rings and I make a "Better pick it up he only gets one phone call" joke.

Moving on. This morning I wrote my first Australian Exam. Turns out you have to stay in your seat and stick up your hand so they can come collect your paper, instead of just getting up and handing it to them on your way out the door. Who knew? They also have a 15 minute "study period" which doesn't involve actual studying, but just means you get to read the exam questions, but not write anything on the answer sheet. Which is stupid, because once the study period is over you have to go back and waste time bubbling in all the questions you've already answered. Honestly, just say the exam is two hours long. I understand that they want to encourage people to read the exam first or whatever, but really, we're not 15 years old. They really treat students like idiots here... to be frank I really miss the independence of being at school in Canada. Even when I was a little kid I hated having my hand held. I CAN DO IT MYSELF THANK YOU.

Anyway, this has been quite complain-y. Much in the vein of my usual attitude. But hey, haven't lost that good mood! I think I should clarify the weird Johnny picture, just in case there's a bunch of people going "Huh? what?" That's JHR's hot ass in the background, which is the motivation for the demented look on the guy's face (she has that speechless-rendering effect). Although I think I recognize that shirt she's wearing as something we picked up at value village to go mini golfing in when we were 16 for a friend's b-day? Way to work the wardrobe J baby, that's my girl!

Oh, and you should all also know that Av is the greatest man alive.

That's it!


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