Tuesday, February 15, 2005

To Market, To Market

Well today is Market Day here at ANU, and that means all the clubs are out in force trying to recruit as many people to their ranks as possible. Seeing as about half the clubs out there are Christian Students organizations of some shape or form, I've just spent the morning sidestepping people who are trying to get me to return to god. And since I was never with him (or anywhere in his near vicinity) in the first place, they sure had their work cut out for them.
But the Aussies sure do like their clubs. There were clubs for every possible situation/activity/role-playing game conceivable. Some of them were so far-fetched and so vague in their description of what they actually DID in their clubs, that eventually I just said "You just go out and get drunk in a group don't you?" Which of course they denied, but I know the truth.
I did however manage to locate booths for the film screening club and the literary club (thankfully neither of them associated with any religious denomination, I checked thoroughly, questioned separately etc.), which are my two activities of choice anyway, so my club requirements have been squarely met.
Normally, in my solitary little world, I disparage the idea of any group activities that don't involve things that are illegal in all 50 states... wait... 21... right, okay, I'm legal in everything I do now, in every country pretty much. Check. But anyway, clubs seem to be the Australian thing to do, so I'll jump on board -- if only to broaden my cultural horizons (by watching Hollywood movies in film club -- but an AUSTRALIAN film club... n/m).

Anyway, my days of apartment loneliness are almost over. My dad gets in tomorrow morning, and so finally I'll no longer have to have the radio/television on 24/7 to chase away the silence. However, it also means I will no longer be able to do the following things which to be honest I was enjoying while they lasted:
- showering with the door open
- eating breakfast in my underwear (and um... lunch and dinner mostly)
- leaving my crap everywhere (note to self: clean up this evening)
- eating on the floor in front of the television (I'll have to sit on the couch now)
- making expensive phone calls

But hey, it's a small sacrifice in return for ending the week and a half of bachelorette living. I'm beginning to realize I'm not really cut out to live on my own. It's nice to have someone to come home to. If I ever have to live by myself I'll definitely need to get a dog. Or maybe a parrot.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

not a parrot!

8:54 p.m.  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

here are a few things you will be coming home to when living with a jew:

-the smell of freshly baked bagels
-hourly incantations
-fiddling...usually on the roof

alexis, we just signed a house. word up. 4 person row house on bagot st. fake wood panelling and everything! looking forward to talking to you.

peace, av.

10:50 a.m.  

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