Thursday, January 27, 2005

Oh the dooce

Well I was reading dooce this morning, and it made me sad, and since I was already sad and having to leave Munich tonight (except Mr. R is coming to Canada! Save your money man, save save! Awesome, hope my new roomates don't mind some rowdy Europeans in the fall...) and since I'm also too lazy to read the 422 odd comments she's got up there today and post my own, I thought I might give her a bit of a shout out here, because she's awesome, and made me realize that all I have to do to get through today is "take that breath."
Tonight I have to sleep like Tom Hanks in Terminal -- i.e. in an airport lounge at Heathrow. This sucks. I woke up much too early, and went to bed much too late to spend another sleepless night.
I want to go to Australia. I'm sure Cyprus will be nice -- but I want to skip it. I've decided that Australia is going to make me healthy -- physically and mentally (I guess the first step there would be to stop SAYING I'm mental... because comparatively speaking I guess I'm pretty rational). So... I just want to get started on the whole thing -- get into school, and be productive, the whole bit. I'm almost at the end of my limbo, finished the 2 French weeks, had my wonderful 3 day Munich hiatus, and now have 10 days left till my 22 hour flight to Sydney where I will arrive by myself looking like a refugee with half my family's belongings. Hurrah.
My mother keeps telling me, don't wish your life away, always looking forward to the next thing, but it's hard these days not to dwell in the future. At the present moment, I'm sitting at the computer at D&R's waiting for my fam to show up, and listening to some distinctly high pitched giggling coming from the bedroom of the newlyweds N&Z. Ah young love. Haha. It's so cute.
You can understand then why I'm letting my thoughts drift discreetly away.
This week I got my housing sorted for next year. Or rather, I set Av on the case. That's right kids, I'm ghetto-ing it up next year with some boys formerly of Vic hall. Right on, as Av would say.
Now if only I had a place to stay in Canberra... haha... yeah.... a HOMELESS REFUGEE WITH HALF HER FAMILY'S BELONGINGS. Yes!!
4 planes in the next week and a half. Sweet.

I'd say cheers in German one last time but here I have REALLY no idea how to spell it. MR?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Find a lounge with some couches and see if you can crash there. It beats sleeping on those rounded plastic seats while you wait for a plane

7:43 a.m.  

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