Monday, July 19, 2004

Air Ducts of Death

~Duck tape? what's duck tape? Do ducks use tape? Do you ever need to tape ducks? Have you ever seen a duck and said, "Woooah, that baby's coming loose, better tape it"?~
So it's Monday...
I'm sitting here eating my cup of yoghurt using the lid as a spoon... the tried and true method of the kid who always forgets a real spoon (and the mini plastic back-up one is in the lunch bag, which I also did not bring), and getting yoghurt freaking everywhere, and watching the clock.  Longest day ever, and tomorrow's only Tuesday.  Was there a point?  Oh yes.  I sit here, day after day, and (when it's not on the blitz) the air filtration seems to work in reverse, little by little, sucking out my oxygen, sucking away my soul.  I feel soulless and lifeless sitting here.  Panic? no, people without souls don't panic.  They sit calmly with their hoods up, pretending not to be falling asleep and flick yoghurt off of their pants on to the rug.
How long can you go without oxygen before you begin to get brain damage?
Then the soulless person ignores the pile of unsorted docs on her desk and draws a nifty picture of her soul being sucked away by the air ducts.


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