Thursday, August 07, 2003

The Sky is Falling

To take the tack of many Chicken Littles who have come before me...
Can you feel the bad karma polluting the air? The Eastern world is in an uproar, with Iraq going through its painful process of reform at the hands of the Americans (no comment), and Jordan, and Indonesia feeling the brunt of terrorists' cries for attention. And the purportedly "settled" Western world that's supposed to have it all under control, is under attack by elements beyond anyone's control.... earth, air, fire and water are all waging war against the first world.
Usually, I'm more of a listener, than a soap-boxer, but damnit, I'm worried. And yes, I know, this is why I usually try to avoid the news, because it freaks me out. But I'm realizing that I'm an ostrich, and it's got to stop. As a result, rather than sit back and watch the world go to shit without comment, this is my warning (I know, I know, so that when the world DOES go to shit I can sit back and say, See? I told you so). The sky is falling, the gods are angry, and the US government has begun to unabashedly violate free speech. These are dangerous times, and I'm afraid to grow up.

On a more personal note, would the Canadian government please find its ass with both hands and stop whining about the PM's decision to support the supreme court's ruling to honour same-sex marriages? Come on now boys and girls, we all know that this has become less about whether or not you actually agree with it than about your feelings that you were not given your say in the matter.
As for my opinion on the subject, I am definitely pro. When I found out the court's ruling, I felt really proud to live in Canada, to live in a place that is so open-minded (as far as countries go), not only about cultures, but about other lifestyle choices as well. I am heterosexual, but the fact that that ruling was passed made me feel more free. I disagree totally with the statement that same-sex marriages are not procreative. Adoption and artificial insemination are options for homosexual couples just as they are for heterosexual couples. Along with Canada's recent (controversial) shift in attitude towards same-sex marriages, I would like to see another shift. I would like the future to hold a different and more era-appropriate view of what is "normal."

The sky is falling, but a new generation is coming to hold it up. The old values just can't support it anymore.


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