Did I Stutter?
I don't talk properly sometimes. Frequently actually. I don't know if you know this about me. I have a hard time getting words out of my mouth before my brain is on to the next thought, and so sometimes the sentences get mixed together, or I say the wrong thing entirely. It takes concentration. I established a long time ago that I'm much better at writing what I mean than saying it. Which is why I like writing better, and also, I think, why I'm such a stickler for proper grammar when I write. I get the message across for the most part when speaking, but people laugh at me a lot. I'm okay with this. You can even go ahead and point it out when I combine two words together to say a word that doesn't exist (*cough*TM*cough*). "Did you just say torking?" I think it's funny too.
A: What were you going to say?
V: Oh something, but I'll wait till these people are gone.
A: Oh, so either you're going to say something about sex, or you're going to say something about someone that someone might know someone else you're worried that that someone or someone else and that might get back to someone... something.
V: Uh...
A: The second one?
V: The latter. Yeah.
When I was younger I used to be really embarassed about this. And sometimes I still get tongue-tied in a public situation, like a store, because I psyche myself out thinking I won't talk properly, and then I can't make myself talk at all. Yesterday in the PEC I was paying a membership fee, and it took me a full 10 seconds to get the words out of my mouth properly. The women in the office laughed at me. But I laughed at myself too. I think that's important. It's a good way to deal with embarassment, being able to laugh at yourself, and it's one of the most useful things I've learned to do since graduating from post-pubescent, adolescent awkwardness. Don't take yourself too seriously, or people will be laughing AT you, in a bad way, and you won't be able to join in.
That's my deep life-coachy advice for the day. And here is a song.
Song of the Day:
steal compass/drive north/disappear... ~ set fire to flames
Instrumental. Cool more for the desire to follow the directions in the title than anything else really.
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