Tuesday, July 25, 2006

The Weekend in Point Form

I have been away from the site for the past few days because I had myself a long weekend. To avoid an excessively long and involved post (and contracting tendonitis) here are the most interesting and relevant points (those I'm willing to publish anyway -- a girl's gotta have some stuff that's just hers), chronologically:

- went to Guelph
- saw my parents who had just returned from adventures in Europe
- had family lunch with a few of my many cousins
- took my Grandma out for dinner
- asked her how she met my Grandpa, because I didn't know and felt that I should
- let my Grandma take me out for frozen yoghurt
- helped to wash my dog
- went shopping with my mom
- had dinner with family and TM
- went to Toronto
- got up too early
- people-watched in the food court under TM's work while drinking a very large coffee
- had lunch with TM
- cat-napped with a cat!
- had dinner with TM and MH (don't forget to wiki wiki)
- got to K-town very late
- got stopped in the hall by housemate...
- went to bed too late
- slept too late

Ta dah!


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