Wednesday, July 12, 2006

In Accordance with the Excess Bullshit Elimination Program

About a month ago, after a particularly frustrating conversation with a "friend" of mine who seems to get no greater joy than that which he gleans from belittling me constantly, I began to wonder why I put up with that sort of crap.
I understand that there is a certain amount one must put up with in life -- it's a condition of being alive. However, I also tentatively believe (I say tentatively because I haven't completely thought this through, and there are socio-economic discrepancies to the global application of what I'm about to propose) that for any bullshit you do put up with, the payoff (in either material or spiritual returns) should equal the energy you put into dealing.
And so the Excess Bullshit Elimination Program was born. It's not dissimilar to the hedonistic-living attempt I made about a year and a half ago, but I think it will turn out to be much more sensible. Basically it involves the discontinuation of all putting-up I do that does nothing besides pissing me off and playing on my need to be liked by everyone. Therefore, the aforementioned individual is off the list. Also, any future putting up will be carefully weighed before being engaged in. I'm pretty good at this already, but I think I could be better. If you're one of those people who can't say no when someone asks you to do something -- you could be better too.
I expect it will also involve a great deal of ignoring and attending: ignoring those things that are bullshit-ful, and attending those you think may later be good for your soul.

Things ignored today:

Bitchy girls with bitchy looks on their faces when they clearly have nothing to be pissed off about, except generally having to be in proximity of people to whom they perceive themselves to be superior.

Things attended today:

Conversation between father and surprisingly articulate small daughter -

F: So do you know we've had some news about your new school? Did you know that?
D: Y-eah.
F: You're going to be in the morning Kindergarten class.
D: At preschool?
F: No you're not going to be in preschool anymore, you're going to be in kindergarten.
D: Oh. (pauses for a second) I understand what that means. Morning kindergarten. But afternoon preschool right?


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